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It became very dark and very hard to read the question and see where you are going. The winner's ending wasn't as rewarding or congratulating as I had expected. If you switch tabs whilst playing the game (only refers to the web version above) you are unable to lock your cursor on the game. This causes your cursor to actually move around the page when you look around, not allowing you to look in certain directions. I had to walk sideways and look at the wall whilst walking. What would be nice to see is a secret ending if you walk in the opposite direction from the start.


i aint reading allat


dark but good game


I love the concept but it gets so dark it was impossible to read the questions. Implementation of a flashlight or lights on the boards would be a good idea if you ever continue development on this game--or even for games in the future. It's quite frustrating when players can't see what they're doing

berdly would do good in this

why is it so dark help?

guys pleas

cool game

que extraño, la pantalla de carga se congela


Translation: strange, the loading screen freezes

For someone who hasn't been in education for a few years now, this was a fun little game to keep your on your toes! 

"Which is the right way?" - genius:) 

Blackout is good idea.

It is interesting to see a 3D model of all the corridors. It feels like there is an additional dimension here, like in a bad apartment from the book "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov :)

It is a pity that the web version does not deploy to full-screen mode. If I'm not mistaken, you have to change something in the settings of

This game is fun af


I really liked this game :) The combination or horror and trivia worked very well and it was a lot of fun. 


fix the cusor cause it doesn't lock on the screen

I have never felt so silly before

This was a very fun game to play, I thankfully managed to not get anything wrong through a series of guesses and random knowledge from school. This is definitely one of the more tense and stressful games out there especially when you know something bad is gonna happen if you get a question wrong. 

This was one of the coolest, most unique horror game concepts I've seen! It had some spooky jumpscares and was overall fun to play! Keep up the good work my man!

   - CrazyCheesePuf


This was a fun concept game. Made me question some things I thought I knew!

I'm an idiot but the game is beautiful :))


This was an insanely cool concept! I want more like this!! I had an absolute blast playing this, great work!

i managed to win on the first try! thanks for the fun game!


Dont worry guys, I am alright WAIT My KIDNEYS ARE MISS-asjkdhjasudgas ugdasog gdasvdagsdyvasgkdahdaisydhausdgaudgasdgasdoasldighasdp;hyidhasd8yiahsdhasydaspgd 

i'm too dumb for this

(1 edit)

Nice idea & game !

Slow movement, and I could barely see the questions (even when I was getting them correct). I honestly don't think this game is worth another play-through.


won first try! alright!


This game is so much fun that I liked it! But I didn't win :'D


THIS WAS AWESOME! Not a huge game, but a lot of fun while it lasted!

(1 edit) (+1)

Not bad! Would be nice if there was a camera angle available when cursor shows :)


this was a fun experience! I enjoyed this game and the creepiness around every corner! 


This was very fun I just wish there was more.


Hi there, this was a fun little game. I know for a fact I'd be hard-pressed to come up with an idea trying to combine horror and trivia together, so I'd say you executed it pretty well. I found the questions to be rather interesting and of a fair difficulty, there weren't any trick questions, and a couple even managed to stump me. There are definitely a few good scares to be had here too, though I don't think I saw them all.

I don't really have any major complaints with the game, only thing I thought that could be improved on was the walking speed, as on my second attempt it was getting a little tedious walking so slow just to answer a question I had already answered correctly on my first attempt.

All in all it's a pretty clever game and not one that you'd ever really see elsewhere, it's a clash of two genres that really shouldn't work, but you've found a way to make it so. Props to you!

Hope you don't mind but I made a short let's play of your game.

Cheers and best wishes!


I loved this game so much. I normally hate trivia games but, putting a horror spin on it is amazing! I wish the spooks were more scarier that's just me but, it didn't take away from the game at all. I also wanted the game to be longer just because  I was having so much fun!




Gave the game a shot over on my channel, ArthurPlays:


My mouse Stays On The Screen And Takes Forever to load


Fun little game! I liked how if you got it wrong, the only way you'd know is if it got creepier. Really well done. Just kinda wish there was a sprint button to get down the hallway faster and maybe more questions. Hope you enjoy the video! 




Interesting idea, and done differently that some of the other games that use a similar mix of education/trivia and horror. I got spooked a few times, and also felt kinda dumb at others. Really enjoyed it.


I won first time... and I'm not sure I want to repeat and answer incorrectly, on purpose...

The mouse doesn't capture very well, it remembers where you are looking when the pointer enters the window, so you end up having to do weird movements.


This game was great! its was really nice to play a horror game that also tests your knowledge in order to survive! awesome job on creating this! :D
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